The workshop provided us with clear, practical, and above all, invaluable advice in planning our next PR campaign. Highly recommended.
Mary Domange, Founder, Wine at Home
Sue is very experienced and we were very grateful to have her share her vast press knowledge with us in such a concise manner. Would highly recommend!
Lizzy, EPOCH London
I have had some great coverage and it is very exciting to be able to say, “As seen in You Magazine, Country Homes & Interiors, Ideal Home UK” (and a few others) on my website! Thanks for all the practical ideas and tips and giving me the confidence to write press releases (I can’t believe I’m doing that!). Especially useful was the calendar of dates to get messages out in advance and the clear thinking on how to structure a press release. Your course inspired me to get going and now I feel confident that I can keep up the good work.
Karen Sims, Know & Love
Sue’s strategic thinking coupled with her excellent creative writing skills and expert eye for a news story proved invaluable in establishing our business brands.
Alison Kelly, BBC
Proof has been with us since day one, they helped put us on the map and the press coverage achieved in those early days helped build our credibility and trust.
Graham Boylan, Boxing and MMA Clinic
Sue helped devise and led the implementation of a Regional News Network across over 200 ASDA stores which was a unique initiative in the retail sector and involved training and developing personnel to engage with their local media. This resulted in ASDA regularly achieving more coverage than rivals with significantly more stores and expenditure.
Alan Preece, ASDA
I felt less nervous/intimidated by writing as the day went on.
Overwhelmingly positive feedback. which is fab.
At a time when there was a lack of understanding about the sport of MMA, Sue generated positive coverage in the mainstream UK press. The first of many pieces was on the business pages of The Observer.
Ian Dean, Cage Warriors